Monday, August 3, 2009

Article Commentary

I am just beginning to think of ways to utilize the wiki and new ideas are already jumping into my head. The userfriendly nature is especially atractive and can be used across all grade levels. I can already see how much easier in will be this year to plan and organize the NEF Spelling Bee with the use of this technology.


  1. Glad that you have some initial thoughts on your Wiki use. So far I'm thinking of the TEC guidance counselors using it to poll the counselors about practices and procedures. Haven't figured out a use for the SAT Prep math yet. Any ideas?

  2. I agree with you that these articles are opening up a whole new world. I hope I have time this year to take away one application and use it with my students. This year is my evaluation year, and I would love to create an independent study with a few of these applications.

  3. I think Wikis will be an effective way for former students to stay connected with the faculty and staff at NHS. Students could easily provide important feedback about their NHS experience.

  4. I am skeptical about this technology, I have to say. See my post. It is all new and novel, but when I think of this is a possible substitute for face time and human contact and interaction, then I wonder. One could argue that this enhances "productivity", but at what cost and what are we really producing? I wonder if we shouldn't all be slowing down and stepping back to reflect more. Perhaps there is a way for a Wiki to help us do this? I have not come up with that yet.

  5. I don't think your blog is boring Will, I am just figuring out how to follow blogs.

    I do agree with Joel, I am concerned that we are coming up with more and more ways to avoid social interaction. However, this is the world we live in, and I guess that I need to figure out how to deal with it.

    On another note, your kids are gorgeous!
