Friday, August 7, 2009

Day four - Atomic Learning

I am so glad that we were introduced to atomic learning today. I learned so much this week that I am likely to forget so much as well. I feel with Atomic Learning at my disposal I'll have a great resource to both refresh my memory and teach me new things .... and I won't have to call Kathy at home.

Day Four - Inspiration

For some reason I always perceived inspirations as a tool for younger kids to play around with and never considered it as a valuable tool for my work or even for high school students. I'm glad I gave it a chance yesterday, realizing that it is not only helpful in organizing your thoughts but it allows for creativity and is much more versatile than I ever imagined.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Day Three - iMovie

I got so close to burning a movie in iDVD last night that I can almost taste it (an error appeared in the final burning stage). By Friday I will have a short movie ... I shall not be denied.

Day Three - digital pictures

I am so excited to move from the world of sliding pictures into a physical album to creating albums, slideshows, and movies. Also, instead of simply e-mail a list of pictures it was so helpful to learn how to quickly create albums in photopeach and iphoto. I might however lose some sleep playing with all of this stuff ... it will be worth it!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Winter Slideshow

Winter 2008 on PhotoPeach

Having fun in Shrewsbury

I look forward to returning to Tech Camp this afternoon ... take some good notes for me. Are you impressed that I am blogging during a break in my class?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Day two article reflection -#2

What Has Podcasting Done for You?: Great Things Often Begin in Small Ways

I think the act of putting ones thoughts into a podcasts engages the students in a deeper, often more thoughtful way in their learning. It takes it a step beyond the idea shared verbally in the classroom and forces the student to research and rehearse while being mindful that what is said will be both shared and saved for others to hear. It is also exciting to put ones own voice on the topic rather than just the teacher.